by Cangi, Attila, Lee, Donghyung, Elliott, Peter, Kieron Burke and E. K. U. Gross
Electronic Structure via Potential Functional Approximations Cangi, Attila, Lee, Donghyung, Elliott, Peter, Kieron Burke and E. K. U. Gross, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236404 (2011).
Bibtex Entry:
Pub-num = {130},
Author = {Cangi, Attila and Lee, Donghyung and Elliott, Peter and Kieron Burke and E. K. U. Gross},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-12 00:16:04 +0000},
Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.236404},
Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
Month = {Jun},
Pages = {236404},
Publisher = {American Physical Society},
Title = {Electronic Structure via Potential Functional Approximations},
Url = {},
Volume = {106},
Year = {2011},
keywords = {semi},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {},
keywords = {semi}