Linear response time-dependent density functional theory of the Hubbard dimer (bibtex)
by Diego J. Carrascal, Jaime Ferrer, Neepa Maitra, and Kieron Burke
Linear response time-dependent density functional theory of the Hubbard dimer Diego J. Carrascal, Jaime Ferrer, Neepa Maitra, and Kieron Burke, The European Physical Journal B 91, 142 (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
Pub-num 	   = {185},
Title 		   = {Linear response time-dependent density functional theory of the Hubbard dimer},
Author 		   = {Diego J. Carrascal, Jaime Ferrer, Neepa Maitra, and Kieron Burke},
Doi 		   = {10.1140/epjb/e2018-90114-9},
Year 		   = {2018},
Month 		   = {07},
Journal		   = {The European Physical Journal B},
Volume 		   = {91},
Number 		   = {7},
Pages          = {142},
arXiv		   = {1802.09988},
keywords 	   = {excitations},
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