Density Sensitivity of Empirical Functionals (bibtex)
by Suhwan Song, Stefan Vuckovic, Eunji Sim, and Kieron Burke
Density Sensitivity of Empirical Functionals Suhwan Song, Stefan Vuckovic, Eunji Sim, and Kieron Burke, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 800-807 (2021). (PMID: 33411542)
Bibtex Entry:
		Pub-num 	   = {208},
		author 		   = {Suhwan Song, Stefan Vuckovic, Eunji Sim, and Kieron Burke},
		title 		   = {Density Sensitivity of Empirical Functionals},
		journal 	   = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
		volume 		   = {12},
		number 		   = {2},
		pages 		   = {800-807},
		year 		   = {2021},
		doi 		   = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c03545},
		note 		   = {PMID: 33411542},
		URL 		   = {},
		Month 		   = {Jan},
		arXiv		   = {arXiv:2008.01261},
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