by Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke
Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke, Article in Roadmap on Machine Learning in Electronic Structure 4, 56-59 (2022).
Bibtex Entry:
Pub-num = {214},
Title = {Using Machine Learning to Find New Density Functionals},
Booktitle = {Roadmap on Machine Learning in Electronic Structure},
Author = {Bhupalee Kalita and Kieron Burke},
Doi = {10.1088/2516-1075/ac572f},
Year = {2022},
Month = {August},
Journal = {Electronic Structure},
Volume = {4},
Number = {2},
Pages = {56-59},
Publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
Url = {},
arXiv = {2112.05554}}