Can exact conditions improve machine-learned density functionals? (bibtex)
by Jacob Hollingsworth, Li Li (李力), Thomas E. Baker, and Kieron Burke
Can exact conditions improve machine-learned density functionals? Jacob Hollingsworth, Li Li (李力), Thomas E. Baker, and Kieron Burke, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 241743 (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
Pub-num 	   = {184},
author 		   = {Jacob Hollingsworth, Li Li (李力), Thomas E. Baker, and Kieron Burke},
title 		   = {Can exact conditions improve machine-learned density functionals?},
journal 	   = {The Journal of Chemical Physics},
volume 		   = {148},
number 		   = {24},
pages 		   = {241743},
year 		   = {2018},
doi 		   = {10.1063/1.5025668},
URL 		   = {},
Month 		   = {June},
keywords 	   = {ML, Machine Learning},
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