Thermal stitching: Combining the advantages of different quantum fermion solvers (bibtex)
by Justin C. Smith and Kieron Burke
Thermal stitching: Combining the advantages of different quantum fermion solvers Justin C. Smith and Kieron Burke, Phys. Rev. B 98, 075148 (2018).
Bibtex Entry:
Pub-num 	   = {182},
title          = {Thermal stitching: Combining the advantages of different quantum fermion solvers},
author         = {Justin C. Smith and Kieron Burke},
journal        = {Phys. Rev. B},
volume         = {98},
issue          = {7},
pages          = {075148},
numpages       = {7},
year           = {2018},
month          = {Aug},
publisher      = {American Physical Society},
doi            = {10.1103/PhysRevB.98.075148},
url            = {},
arXiv		   = {arXiv:1801.01927},
keywords 	   = {TDFT, Thermal, DFTthermal}}
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